More Things To Check For In A Car Dealership

by | Jan 13, 2017 | Auto Repair

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Choosing the wrong dealership can result in not only not getting the best car you could have, but getting a bad deal on the one you did. So, what should you look for in a dealership?


Repair Facilities


If you are buying a new car or a used one with a dealer warranty, then it is a good idea to check out their repair shop. Most dealerships have one, even if they are not in the business of doing customer repairs. Having an in-house garage allows them to buy cars at auction that have mechanical problems, then fix them cheaply themselves.


You likely won’t get to walk around inside for insurance reasons, but if it is not the dead of winter, you should be able to look inside from the bay doors. This will give you an idea of how customers vehicles are being treated while being serviced. Are they putting down floor mats to keep the carpet clean? What about fender guards to keep the paint safe? These are the type of things to watch for.


Brand Endorsement


Many people do not realize that branded dealerships are not owned by the manufacturer, but by individuals. The manufacturer simply endorses the dealership. This is similar to how several fast food chains are not owned by a single corporation, but are instead franchised out. This is basically what is going on here. The dealership agrees to adhere to certain rules and regulations in exchange for an endorsement. The reason for this is because, if a dealership has official endorsement then this means they have an overseeing body and can be held accountable for breaching their contract, so they are going to be much less likely to be involved in shady business practices.


These are two things that are often overlooked, but can be important indicators to dealerships worth when you are searching for a new vehicle, so consider them when you are looking for car dealers in Mount Prospect.


When you are looking for car dealers near Mount Prospect, check out Arlington Heights Ford for your needs. You can find them at Follow us on twitter.

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