Many, when going to buy a new car, find that it is harder to obtain financing due to the current credit crunch. Lenders have tightened their criteria and those who would ordinarily qualify for a car loan may find themselves being turned down. If you arrive at a dealership only to find you don’t qualify for a loan, you may choose to look elsewhere for financing. Another option you have is to purchase a certified pre-owned car as these cars cost less than brand new models.
When buying a certified pre-owned vehicle from Car Dealers Longview WA, you remove some of the inherent risk of buying used. Although no used car is perfect, these vehicles undergo an inspection before being put up for sale. These cars come with warranty coverage also, making them a great choice for many. What are the advantages of purchasing a certified pre-owned vehicle?
A certified pre-owned car, purchased from Car dealers in Longview WA, provides peace of mind for the buyer. Breakdowns and costly repairs are less of an issue with these cars thanks to the multi-point inspection they undergo. Most car manufacturers now offer a program of this type while some are conducted by the dealership or other sponsoring organization. Before purchasing, car buyers need to understand which certification process the car underwent. The buyer should also ask if the vehicle comes with a vehicle history report.
Certified pre-owned vehicles typically come with a manufacturer warranty. Once the original factor warranty ends, this manufacturer backed warranty goes into effect. Repairs will be covered for a pre-determined period of time under this warranty.
Each car is carefully selected for this program as age and mileage requirements must be met. Most manufacturers only take cars between less than six years old with some refusing cars more than four years old. Mileage requirements range from 50,000 to 80,000 miles. This does vary by manufacturer though.
Each car also goes through an inspection process that is very comprehensive. If significant problems are found, repairs must be made which is why most manufacturers are picky about which cars are accepted into the program. Cars in good condition are what most manufacturers choose to call certified pre-owned. Others are sold as traditional used cars.
Consider certified pre-owned cars when you go to buy a new vehicle. Many find this to be a better option. You may too.